0.1 Echo House
Spring 2024
Location: 676 Broad St, Providence, RI, 02903
Type: Residential, Education
Area: 27000 sqft
Street View Tool: Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop.
This renovation project has two old residential houses located on Broad Street. The house owner wants to donate these houses to the justice assistance program in Providence. Justice Assistance is a charitable organization based in Rhode Island, founded in 1978 to assist both victims and justice-involved individuals. Its mission is to strengthen the community by offering services that help victims navigate the justice system and assist defendants in completing court orders, while also conducting research to improve community programs. It aims to reduce social and financial burdens related to misdemeanor crimes, providing personalized support for victims and offenders.
Site View Tool: Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop.
Plan Drawings Tool: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Rhino.
Section Drawings Tool: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Rhino.
Physical Model Picture Tool: Photoshop
Room Types